Quarter-Life-Crisis: HELP! I’m Turning 25!

April 19, 2011

I'm going to need more than a cake to make this B-day sweet, help?
In July of this year I’ll be turning 25. I already have some ballsy-audacious goals to kick off my next quarter century (and am making more), but I’m floundering on how to celebrate my gift of 25-living-years in a way that really matters.

A quick Google search of “charitable travel” left me instantly frustrated…I want to do something different, phenomenal…something that makes a difference but will also be something new and unfamiliar to me. Something that’s personally enriching but beneficial to others…and I have. no. idea. what. I’m. going. to. do.

I admit, I probably should commit more time to looking- but I don’t even know where to get started. Could I do Habitat for Humanity in the dead heat of July?  I would love to get a Passport and travel out of the country- but where to go and what to do?  What organizations that do this kind of thing are reputable?

My requirements for the “Birthday Trip That Matters”:

-Must be over the summer before school begins in September.

-Must cost under $1,000.  (hopefully?)

-Must somehow be with a reputable organization- so even if I simply take a “vacation,” the company that receives my money for doing so must be a charitable one…could I incorporate some philanthropy into a regular old vacay?


I am really lost/nervous/confused on how to start this- all I know is that I have this nagging feeling that is something I must do…any experiences or thoughts you have on the subject would be gratefully appreciated!   I need to get out of my comfort zone and I need your help!


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