What Happens In Denver, Stays In Denver? Nope, It Gets Blogged. #FINCON12

September 11, 2012

FINCON2012 Denver, Colorado

Adorable FINCON12 shirts / Branded hotel room keys I nerded out about /  The view from the hotel 

When I got ready for the Financial Blogger Conference that took place this past weekend, I hadn’t even unpacked from my cross-country move yet.  The idea of unpacking what had just been packed in order to of course, repack again was just as exhausting to execute as it is to read in a sentence.  Whatever crumpled semblance of an outfit I could shove (not fold) into a suitcase was really, all the enthusiasm I had to give.  I was just- tired. Tired in every sense of the word, and I know the effects of my fatigue reared it’s head in my life, blogs and business and this final manifestation in my wardrobing was just another sign.

Luckily for me (and everyone who had to lay eyes on me) during the course of the conference, or FINCON as we nerds call it, I found not only my second wind, but an ironing board to finally feel like myself again!  At first, the idea of attending FINCON was totally overwhelming- I lost my thunder the last two months after feeling totally confined and stuck in Chicago.  I had only been in California for a week, and the thought of living out of a suitcase again and diving into a conference dedicated to blogging & entrepreneurial spirit seemed daunting-  I was praying it would help me get my spark back, luckily it did.


FINCON2012 ... socializing and being named as a "Rising Star" = cool!

Being named as “Rising Star” on Budgetable’s “Who To Meet List”= Pretty Snazzy! /  Lots and lots of socializing, our sponsors were awesome!


Being a problogger & freelance social media consultant is a dream job for many.  I love what I do, but sometimes it can feel totally isolating just to interact with your “people” via chat, blog comments & online forums.  My favorite part of FINCON was the fact that   when someone LOL’ed it was no longer words on a page- it was real, human.  Oh, and trust me, there was a lot of laughter.  Putting human faces to blogs I’ve read and interacted with all year was phenomenal- I got to ask questions, spin ideas & of course, debate the merits of beer vs. scotch with some of the online personalities I already admired.  I feel like I made a ton of new friends and invigorated old connections, I left FINCON feeling like I really was part of a community, not just an “online” one.


FINCON2012 Plutus Awards

Plutus Awards Night with Serendipity’s Guide To Saving, A fab anon blogger & Michael, Blonde On A Budget, Jenna from Adaptu & Smart Money Chick

Additionally, the whole conference felt like a huge honor.  I was asked to help present at the third annual Plutus Awards and was also a presenter on Saturday with my talk on Rockstar Blogging (A.K.A. “How To Score Free Stuff With Your Blog) and got some great feedback for the new ebook I’m working on.  Truthfully, you can gloat about stats all you want- how many hits you get a day, how many followers, how many retweets, but there is something truly amazing when people see you as something more- an expert, a mentor, a friend, and truly trust what you have to say.  That, to me, is the biggest honor.


Presenting at FINCON12

Presenting my speech on “Rockstar Blogging” at FINCON wearing my fave dress from Stop Staring!


Many of you know I relocated to California, but I didn’t talk too much about where I’d be living.  For a time, I’ll be staying with my Dad & pugs in a small-ish town in San Diego County (not the city itself.)  Not only did my business at Cake Mix slow down for the move, but I was really worried on how I would drive business and make new personal connections away from a big city like Chicago.  Andrea from SmartMoneyChicks gave a great talk about bringing your online business local– through networking, speeches, education and meetups, I feel inspired and got a ton of ideas.


More friends at the Financial Blogger Conference in Denver

My favorite landmark- the Big Blue Bear / Grabbin’ noodles / Shoe lust with Frugal Portland &  Katie Bryan of AmericaSaves.org  / One of my fave people…Carrie of CarefulCents!

My goal is to attend several more blogging conferences & running events in the next year, but I had no idea how I’d afford it with student loans, a new car payment & existing travel plans.  Kylie of KylieOfiu.com had amazing insights on how to snag corporate sponsorships for conferences & travel in her FINCON presentation, even as the “Giveaway Queen,” I got excited and learned a few new tactics!  She also is a published author and had advice to share on that as well- a future goal of mine!

 The Financial Blogger Conference AKA FINCON

Thousandiare did an amazing job hosting the Plutus! /  FrugalPortland won a Nexus 7 from BankRate (and I’m psychic) /  The fabulous Jenny Pincher /  Twitter walls with yours truly!

There were also many other friends I newly met or reconnected with and I feel so energized by all of their great ideas, funny stories and appetite for free food & beverage!  If you love to read blogs (especially personal finance) some of these bloggers are onto really big things- launching ebooks & webinars, going on speaking tours, sending book proposals & already planning their presentations for next year!  It’s a great time to be a blogger, and even if you’re not a personal finance blogger, you should totally consider attending next year!


Wrapping it up at FINCON12

 Books for nerds (A.K.A. me.) /  Nerds & More Nerds who talk money on stage and Star Trek offstage, ha! /  Money Confessions with AndThenSheSaved!  

There are so many more people I need to mention & thank, the amount of business cards in my purse and hilarious tweets are too much to mention in the confines of an already word-abundant blog post.  But huge thanks to Narrow Bridge,Web  Ninja & Money Spruce for being awesome and fun to hang out with!  Thank you to everyone who shared their time at FINCON this year and all the volunteers, sponsors and bloggers who made it happen- it was a blast!

As I come closer to my second year of blogging, the link of health and wealth become stronger.  When I left for FINCON this year, I felt I didn’t have the money and I didn’t have the emotional and physical energy to attend.  What I’ve come away from FINCON with is that even when you’re running on empty, the right people know how to fill you up.  Even if you’re lacking on money, make sure you never lack on the richness of friendship to get you through the lean times.  Laughter, memories & inspiration are the best medicine to cure some of the things that money can’t buy… or at least fill up your Twitter feed!

18 comments so far.

18 responses to “What Happens In Denver, Stays In Denver? Nope, It Gets Blogged. #FINCON12”

  1. TeacHer says:

    GREAT POST!!! It was so great meeting you – I feel like I’ve made a new bloggy BFF 🙂

  2. Janine says:

    Sounds like you had a great time at the conference! Congrats on being a “Rising Star” !!!!

  3. Beth says:

    Congrats on being named a “Rising Star”!

  4. This was one of the millionth times I missed fincon truly. Great narration and good to see your spark back

  5. Michelle says:

    I’m so jealous of all of your pictures! Looks like a great time!

  6. Flexo says:

    Yay for nerds! Also: great pics. Back to nerds: just watched the latest Dr. Who. When’re we gonna skype it?

  7. Awww. This post is simultaneously heartfelt and funny! I miss FinCon already. Can’t it last a week?

  8. The College Investor says:

    Glad you had a lot of fun and got a lot out of it. I’m also stoked to have another San Diego blogger in the mix. I’m thinking of hosting a So Cal get together this fall, maybe you’re up for it?

  9. you are psychic! and a rising star! and a rock star! and one of my new favorite people on the internet!

  10. bogofdebt says:

    So jealous but glad you had a lot of fun. I wish I could have gone (and hope fate aligns so I can go next year!) But it’s fun living through your pictures 🙂

  11. Hey Shannyn, It was great getting to finally meet you in person! FinCon was so much fun and awesome re-cap post!

  12. Buck Inspire says:

    What a great time! Awesome recap combo of words and pictures. So true what you said about friendships, inspiration and memories. Glad you got your mojo back and congrats on being a rising star!

  13. Meadow DeVor says:

    What a great re-cap of a fun weekend. Love your energy.

  14. […] want to take up all of your time…” which people responded to quite well. She also took an amazing picture of me. I’m excited, can’t you tell?Joe at Retire by 40 (and Mrs. RB-40!) were awesome, of […]

  15. Fig says:

    Awesome post! It looks like it was a really fun weekend. I hope I can go next year. 🙂

  16. […] What Happens In Denver, Stays In Denver? Nope, It Gets Blogged. #FINCON12 […]

  17. Great to sit down with you for some last minute sushi on Sunday!

    Best of luck in your adventure in California. Perhaps Fincon 13 will be in SD next year!


  18. thanks for the update


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