Do You Meditate? New Beginnings & Mindfulness With Tiny Devotions

May 23, 2012

Tiny Devotions  Mala Beads

I always seem to start the new year with good intentions-  this year, my goal was to incorporate regular meditation and yoga into my life.  I am a truly blessed and grateful person who has strong faith in the universe, but I have my moments of anxiousness when I feel compelled to ask, “WELL UNIVERSE,  COULD YOU JUST REVEAL MY PURPOSE ALREADY?!”


I started the year off with meditation and yoga- but found as school picked up and I was caught in the rush, I was constantly in go-mode, very rarely taking time for peaceful reflection beyond crossing off tenacious goals off a to-do list and evaluating progress.

Even in the days following my graduation, I still was hacking through the unfinished projects- mulling over my bucket list and checking out every book I could in the library.  Distractions, motivated distractions- but distractions none the less.  You can spend your whole life researching and preparing only to go in circles without knowing how to make a good decision for yourself… I’ve made the pros/cons lists and rationalized myself into irrationality.

Yesterday though, I had enough.  My head was spinning with possibility and going absolutely nowhere.  I have unprecedented freedom-  but with all the possibility, what’s the smartest way to go about it to make your dream life totally real? Where do you even begin to start laying priorities?

After reworking my résumé and looking over job listings (I’ve decided that if I am to afford living anywhere but here I’m going to need to score some money for an emergency fund, health insurance & possibly enough for a vacay?!) I was overwhelmed and stressed.  Even when you feel you’re making the right decision, it’s easy to be plagued with anxiety…mainly the “short term sacrifices vs.  long term goals,” as further complicated by temporarily stalling dreams to achieve others, and funding it all.


Through this all, I’ve been rocking some gorgeous Mala Beads from Tiny Devotions.  Mala beads are crafted with specific intentions in mind- while they’re prayer beads, each design is constructed for a specific purpose-  healing, love, forgiveness.  They are handmade with stones said to harness certain intentions or powers, but also with rudraska seeds that are traditionally used for Malas.  Traditionally, if a Mala breaks- it means karma has broken… powerful stuff!

I got them last week and picked them out because they are designed with the entrepreneur and fashionista in mind…made from onyx and pearls.

My Mala Beads from Tiny Devotions …To Master My Destiny:

“Determination, focus, and direction are traits that can be lost in everyday life, but this stone also helps cultivate self -control and wise decisions.”  -description of the Black Onyx Mala

As I come through big decisions of my own- where and how to work, how to artfully and intentionally craft my life around to discover my purpose & to guide my thoughts through a stressful process with some tranquility, these beads helped me meditate without getting distracted.


Originally, I wore them as a fashion statement- I was too stressed to think about intentions.  As the days went on though- I found that the beads actually did harness my intentions, and wearing them around my neck or playing with them in my hands lead me to peacefully reflect on my decisions and calmly evaluate my game plan.


Tiny Devotions Mala Beads


When I’m not wearing my beads, I hang them near a card my dear friend Jenny sent me for graduation:


“With new knowledge, an open mind and a seeking heart, may you find your own path to success and happiness.”  


That’s the hope… this is where my focus lies, in discovering that path (and you know, not driving myself crazy doing it!)

The Mala has become an active part of  my day- not just a passive peace of jewelry that hung listlessly around my neck.  I meditate with the beads to sort through some of the worry and stress surrounded with the big decisions I’m making.



Sure, they’re a gorgeous accessory-  but when you need a beautiful reminder to live by your goals and harness your intentions into the smallest of thoughts, these beads do the trick.  


Tiny Devotions Prayer Beads


You can get your own over at … but be advised, the array of beads are just as beautiful as the intentions behind them!



Do you meditate?  What tools or practices keep you grounded?


9 comments so far.

9 responses to “Do You Meditate? New Beginnings & Mindfulness With Tiny Devotions”

  1. actually have just started to try and cope with my GAD. SOmeone in an anxiety group pointed me to an app called headspace part of the website the app actually walks you through meditation, 10 mins a day, with a new recording every single day. So far so good for me 🙂

    • umm but I just discovered only the first 10 days are free.. the $15 a month, not sure im gonna do that. Well there is a book I was about to get on mindfulness for anxiety, guess I will

      • Shannyn says:

        Very cool Jeff- that is great! I’ve found that I need tools to help me focus, clear my head or guide me through things like this. The resources are appreciated!

  2. If you have an iphone/ipad, there are some really great apps out there. I like “simply being” and “izengarden”. I also just got “stay happy”, but I haven’t used it yet. Good luck!

  3. Janine says:

    Love this post! I love yoga, I just don’t make enough time to go always. This is something I am trying to change. I can’t wait to check out the male beads!

    • Shannyn says:

      I really have to make yoga a habit. For awhile, I went to my gym at the university and got a discount, but the classes were so crowded and the lighting was disturbing so I never went back. I’m going to try and find a studio that doesn’t break the bank but also helps me actually relax when I go so it’s habitual! Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Carrie Smith says:

    For the past several years, I’ve been into yoga. Sometimes when I’m having a stressful day at work, I CAN’T wait to get home so I can relax and turn my brain off. One of my favorite parts of doing yoga is when the teacher tells us to focus on our breathing – nothing else. Occasionally we sit (or lie) still for more than 10 minutes just meditating. I love it, and feel so much more energized yet peaceful when I’m done.

    • Shannyn says:

      I agree… it can be the best place in the planet to be…calm in your own mind! I just can’t seem to make it stick, but I’m working on it.


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