Debt-Free Living

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Frugal Weddings

Paying For College: The FAFSA

February 5, 2011

I graduated from my (relatively affordable) state college DEBT FREE and was able to save enough to put money towards my graduate education. How? It all starts with an application. If you’re attending college- you need to fill out the FAFSA. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is available online and can be done in a relatively short amount of time-don’t be intimidated! Doing…

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Increasing Your Cashflow

February 4, 2011

Money is tight.  I loathe credit card debt.  I work a part-time job and am a full-time student with plenty of expenses.  How could I possibly get a second job on top of this?  If you need more income, it’s easier than you think. Simple Ideas to Increase Your Cash Flow: -Sign up with a temp agency or simply find a niche you’d excel at…

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Prioritizing Your Joy (and your $$$)

Part of being in control of your financial life is being aware of what really matters to you. Many frugal-gurus advise you to cut down on your “latte factor”…small purchases that may only cost a few dollars but add up over time. My advice stems from this-prioritize your spending based on what you can’t live without, or simply what brings you the most joy- even…

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Something To Consider:

February 1, 2011

You need to be doing one of two things:  Either paying off your debt or saving for your future. RIGHT NOW. If you have income, you need to either get out of debt or put a little money away for saving (or spending!) I can not entice you with promises of how great it will be when your wrinkly-ass wants to be at the vacation…

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Simplify Your Finances

January 29, 2011

I’m going to be posting several small articles that will help you tackle your finances and be your most powerful self in quick, do-able steps. Today’s step? Take 5 minutes to look through your wallet, bank statement and credit card bills.  Taking stock of what’s going on with your spending habits will give you powerful insight to take control of your life! It is time…

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