Drinking Lots of Wine & My {other} July Goals

July 5, 2011

birthday cakeI am turning 25 this month- wow!  Frugalbeautiful.com has been around for 6 months now and I am so thankful for all of the help and support that has made this site a success!

HUGE THANKS TO YOU for making this 25th birthday such an incredibly happy one… your comments, your sweet emails, the support of the Makeup that Matters Fundraiser for Kassie, and of course, your tremendous help in making the Rescuing Ralph Project an overwhelming success, far exceeding my inital goal.

I have now been accepted into the BlogHer Publishing Network,  have made some amazing blogger friends and companions, been the recipient of some great products to review and will be attending the Financial Blogger Conference in October.   Thank you, thank you, thank you, for making it possible!  Now..ONTO THE GOALS!

My July Goals:

Andy Warhol Dollar Sign 1981-Finally find a better savings account with bankrate.com that offers higher interest than I’m receiving with Chase and start socking away 10% of my income (in addition to contributing to my Roth and Term Life Insurance).

-Choosing one day a week to focus on “Money Management,” and review my Mint.com account, check in with my spending and find ways to save or make more money.  I need to better practice what I preach in terms of personal money awareness.

-STICK TO MY BUDGET, especially for groceries…I still haven’t quite nailed that one down!


Spirals Yoga Mat Bag-Yoga for 10 minutes a day, every day. (I fell off the wagon!)




open book-Read 4 books on money.  So far I need to finish Money Girl’s Smart Moves to Grow Rich,  Millionaire Fastlane and I’m willing to take suggestions on the other 2!  I’m making room in my reading sched. to finish the Sookie Stackhouse Series and catch up on my nerdy video game time 😉


I Heart Red Wine
-Start expanding my wine tastes and try new wineries…I love pinot noir, but c’mon, I’m 25 now- a girl’s gotta explore.  OH yes, and when it’s all said and done?  I’m going to make something cool.
Gifts of the Heart :)

-By July 17th, I want to have a $500 check to give after the Makeup that Matters fundraiser wraps up.  Can you help?    Could you click that link, tweet or share this project?

July 17th is Kassie’s birthday, and I can’t imagine a better way to celebrate her life and my 25th bday than donating to a great cause!


4 comments so far.

4 responses to “Drinking Lots of Wine & My {other} July Goals”

  1. Jenny McD says:

    Love it!

    I collect corks and made a cork wreath (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=553765488760&set=a.542970521960.2057563.139902768&type=1&theater)…. tons of fun – definitely do it!

    As far as wine selections, I have gotten really into the wines that we produce up here in the Shenandoah Valley. Old Vine Zinfandels and Barberas are AMAZING if you can get your hands on any 🙂

    Happy Early Birthday! Xi ♥

    • ShannynofFB says:

      Awesome, thanks for the suggestions Jenny! I got a Riesling today and hope to branch out to more whites. I will have to try the Barberas if I can find it! Thanks dahhhlinggg, and lots and lots of Xi love!

  2. July is officially over! How did you do??

    • ShannynofFB says:

      Ah Rebekah, my fellow goal queen! I didn't do as well as I'd hoped, but I did get a few things done. I got a better savings account and put some money away, so that was good! I also made serious headway in my reading list (though I still haven't gotten to Millionaire Fastlane, I did read 2-3 other books) and the fundraiser hit the $500 mark as hoped!

      I didn't drink as much wine as I'd hoped (can you hope for that), but I have ONE cork that was not destroyed in the opening process that I want to save to make a wreath or trivet..something cool! I saw on your blog you kicked some serious tush on your goals…go you!


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